Why this card?

Our firstborn project under the name of Farma-Point was the realisation of a uniformed customers card. This card would enable us to be recognised by the public, our clients, but also and not in the least to repay them for there lasting fidelity.

In the earlier days, the customer had to collect all the tickets over a year and then, at the end of that year, bring them all in at the pharmacy. A few weeks later, he would receive a discount or a pay-out. Lots of tickets were lost of course during the year and the chemist also spent a lot of time in calculating it.

This new system is a win-win situation for both parties. The chemist doesn't have to spend his evenings in calculating those hundreds and thousands of tickets and so he keeps his full attention for talking and listening to his clients, which is far more important! You on the other hand can enjoy a direct effect of this card system: once you have saved enough points, the reduction will be taken in discount throughout the whole year and not only at the end of it.

If you're still not in possession of this card and you would very much also like to profit from its benefits, please do not hesitate to ask us for more information. On your next visit to a Farma-Point pharmacy near you, we will gladly help you with it.

You can recognise us by the uniformed window sticker.

How?   -   Points Salary