
Under this new name, Farma-Point, we will bring out mutual projects: first of all the uniformed customers card, further more the logo on our plastic shopping bags, window stickers to recognise us as a member of this organisation and of course this website.

First of all we would like this site to be a forum of information ; a gateway to help you find the right answer to your questions, concerning health, disease and other issues. We also can help you in a more confidential way, should you have a more delicate issue to discuss. Your chemist awaits you in his pharmacy.

Our profession also evolves on a daily basis. Hence, come the first of April 2010, we will be fully recognised by law as real providers of first line medical help. This is a historical moment in the history of our profession. In the earlier days we prepared more medication ourselves, whereas now, we also provide you with necessary information, concerning your medication. The follow-up of our patients, keeping records of possible allergies, interactions between different sorts of medication, these are only a few of our daily tasks we take upon us. Your pharmacist keeps record of your personal pharmaceutical dossier and adds all kinds of new information, so he can always rely on these records, in order to be able to help you with the proper information at hand at any given moment.

Pharmaceutical care isn't something new to us, chemists: for years, we already keep a pharmaceutical dossier of each of our patients, containing valuable information and the patient's medical history. When a patient comes to us with a question, or a new kind of medication, we can rely on these records and give structured advice. Because each question we treat with the utmost serenity and every time again there's the challenge to provide you with an adequate answer.

We're very serious about this pharmaceutical care! Because your health is our primary concern!